Prunetucky CA - Keep it Rural

"Prunetucky" is the nickname given to the hill country in North Monterey County, California east and west of Highway 101. Turn off Hwy 101 at San Miguel Canyon Road which runs North/South through the heart of Prunetucky. Most of the hollers branch off San Miguel Canyon Road

Map of the hollers of Prunetucky, CA

Email (larry abrams) with your name and address for a couple of free Prunetucky stickers

Got Drone: looking for drone videographer for videos of Prunetucky hollers set to music

This unincorporated area of Monterey County is officially known as Prunedale because plum trees were planted by the area's early settlers around 1900.However, trees died soon after due to poor irrigation and fertilizer, but the name Prunedale stuck.The name "Prunetucky" refers to a populist down home lifestyle that is at odds with the elitist lifestyle of nearby areas of Carmel / Monterey / Santa Cruz/ Silicon Valley.

The best hollers of Prunetucky:
Strawberry Road
Campagna Way
Walker Valley Road
Maher Road
Echo Valley Road
Paradise Road
Vierra Canyon Road
Berta Canyon Road
Pesante Road
Hidden Valley Road

Hollers Slide Show - Prunetucky vs E. Kentucky

Prunetuckians are populists. We are environmentalists, but favor goats and gardens, not so-called "clean tech" of lithium ion battery plants in nearby Moss Landing. We are small business trades people, vets, techies that keep our nose to the grindstone. Our kids go affordable Cabrillo and MPC Junior Colleges , not elitist UCSC. We like the new country music of Tyler Childers and Molly Tuttle, not tired dad rock of Haight Ashbury '60s and Marin/Mendocino 70s.

Prunetucky 40s look with felt hats and large check shirts -- Prunetuckians do NOT wear cowboy hats and boots !!!

Prunetucky look: Felt hats and check shirts, long dresses and sleeves

Prunetucky's Favorite Musicians

Tyler Childers -- one of Prunetucky CA 's favorite musicians

So darlin', will ya stay right here
And shake this frost off of my bones?
Tyler ChildersWe get plenty of chilly mornings in Prunetucky CA near the sea

Molly Tuttle - one of Prunetucky CA's favorite musicians

Prunedale Market: Best Tri-Tip and Pork Ribs in Monterey County

17515 Orchard Lane (Exit 101 North at Pesante, Right on Pollack Lane, Right on Orchard Lane

A Prunetucky favorite - Prunedate Market -- best tri-tip and pork ribs in Monterey Co
A Prunetucky favorite - pork ribs from Prunedale Market

Prunedale Market Owner and Pitmaster Martin Munoz

A Prunetucky Favorite - pitmaster Martin Munoz of Prunedale Market

Another favorite is the Prunedale Donut Shop in the Prunedale Shopping Center -- 7945 San Miguel Canyon Road -- 831-663-1128. Great old-fashioned donuts, and, surprisingly, the best fresh bagels in Monterey County. Come before 10 as they run out every day.

Old Fashion donut at Prunedale Donut shop - 7945 San Miguel Rd,

Unlike our kin folk in Eastern Kentucky, the hollers of Prunetucky are surrounded by rich farmland and cool ocean air at night that is ideal for growing strawberries, artichokes, and brussel sprouts,

The flatlands to west of home to brussel sprouts, artichokes and strawberry farms

Slideshow: Animals of Prunetucky CA

Slideshow: Trees and Plants of Prunetucky CA

Slideshow: Misc Prunetucky CA photos

It has been said that passages from John Steinbeck's short story "The Long Valley" was based on his visits to Prunetucky in the 1940s. Prunetuckians identify with Tom Joad of Grapes of Wrath and John Steinbeck

Pruntuckians identify with the populism of John Steinbeck who come up to Prunetucky in the 1940s
Pruntuckians identify with Tom Joad of Grapes of Wrath
Starlink: Technology for us in the hollers of Prunetucky

Prunetucky is safer than many places in Cali. However, most folks on acreage with long driveways have gates and sensors.

Pruntuckians identify with Tom Joad of Grapes of Wrath

email webmaster at for question / stickers

Morgan Wallen - one of Prunetucky CA's favorite musicians

Prunetucky fashion